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One-Day Adventure: Myōjin gatake (明神ヶ岳)


Fun (3/5) ⭐⭐⭐
Difficulty (3/5) 💪💪💪
Access (4/5) 👍👍👍👍

Being busy at work for a long time, my return to hiking felt like a quiet revelation. After nearly half a year away from the trails, I embarked on a journey to Myōjin Gatake (明神ヶ岳).

Despite being easily accessible from Yokohama, I found not many people around, making the experience all the more intimate and enjoyable.

The trail starts and ends at Saijō temple (最乗寺) which is hidden in forests adding a touch of mystery to the adventure.

Overall the trail is not hard and can be finished with ease in a day with a longer break at the top enjoying lunch and magnificent view of Mt. Fuji (富士山).

Stairs at Saijō temple Shorter stairs to start

Statues at Saijō temple Statues at Saijō temple and ... yes, more stairs

Mt. Fuji Mount Fuji hidden behind the clouds still without its snow cap

Odawara Odawara can be seen from other side of the top



Hike info

🕐 04:37 📍 8.6 km ⬆️ 873 m ⬇️ 872 m

Hike route



  1. Odawara station (小田原駅)
  2. ↓ Train ↓
  3. Daiyūzan station (大雄山駅)
  4. ↓ Bus ↓
  5. Dōryōson bus stop (道了尊バス停)


  1. Dōryōson bus stop (道了尊バス停)
  2. ↓ Bus ↓
  3. Daiyūzan station (大雄山駅)
  4. ↓ Train ↓
  5. Odawara station (小田原駅)

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